◷ Open Thursday–Sunday 10 AM–5 PM

Thank You to Our Annual Donors!
The National Great Blacks In Wax Museum gratefully acknowledges its corporate and public partners for their extraordinary support and commitment to reawakening people to the beauty of Black History.
Our Annual Donors
Helping us elevate Black History
Our annual donors help us preserve and promote the legacy of African-American history. Together, our mission stimulates an interest in African American history by revealing the little-known, often neglected facts of history. We seek to use great leaders as role models for youth, improve race relations by dispelling myths of racial inferiority and superiority, support and work with community groups, schools, and other organizations to provide opportunities for youth to pursue careers in the museum industry, and promote economic development in the East North Avenue corridor of Baltimore City.
Founder’s Level Donors
$25,000 and above
T. Rowe Price
National Philanthropic Trust
Church of the Redeemer Baltimore
Great futures are built with small charities.
Your donations help us preserve and promote the legacy of American history, particularly that of African Americans. As a registered non-profit organization, we depend on donations to continue operating and expanding the many exhibits, events, and programs we offer. The Museum's mission is to stimulate an interest in African American history by revealing the little-known, often neglected facts of history.
Thank you to our 2023 Sponsors and Donors
Chair’s Level Donors
Director’s Level Donors
Baltimore Nonprofit Relief Fund
T. Rowe Price Foundation
The New York Community Trust
The FUBU Foundation
Aeric Meredith-Goujon
Central City Production
Executive Level
Exelon Corporation
Wharton Design Group, LLC
Contributor Levels
J4p Associates
Dr.’s Gregory & Verna Robinson