◷ Open Thursday–Sunday 10 AM–5 PM

Help preserve and promote the legacy of American history.
Make a Tax-Deductible Gift to the National Great Blacks in Wax Museum, Inc.
Make a Difference
The National Great Blacks in Wax Museum is a non-profit organization. We depend on donations to continue operating and expanding the many exhibits, events, and programs we offer. Your donations help us preserve and promote the legacy of American history, particularly that of African Americans. Your donations also help fund the many programs we offer our children where we use arts and education to improve the lives of potentially at-risk children, primarily in the metropolitan community.
For corporate giving, naming opportunities, artifact donations, and Fund-A-Figure Donation opportunities, please email donations@greatblacksinwax.org
Types of contribution
Put your dollars to work for the educational benefits at The National Great Blacks In Wax Museum. Your donations are put to good use and help provide support for:
• Educational programs for children
• Community outreach programs
• Wax Figure acquisitions
• Expansion Plans
• City Employee #6501
• Combined Charity Campaigns
• State Employee #6501
• United Charity Campaign
• Federal Employee #3705
• Combined Federal Campaign
Contribute to The National Great Blacks In Wax Museum's future by planning for a special kind of gift. Although cash contributions to The National Great Blacks In Wax Museum are always appreciated, other creative and flexible options can benefit you and the Museum. You can help ensure The National Great Blacks In Wax Museum's future by creating a trust while you live or by including the Museum in your will.
Appreciated securities are an excellent way of funding many of these gifts, often unlocking greater income while eliminating, or at least reducing, capital gains tax.
Donors who contribute through a planned gift are invited to join The Tanner Group. The Tanner Group recognizes those friends who share a concern and provide generously for the museum’s future.
Bequest Donors who have remembered the Museum in their Wills have benefited The National Great Blacks In Wax Museum in many ways, helping to build and maintain its collections and providing indispensable support for exhibitions, publications, conservation efforts, and a range of educational activities. A bequest is one of the simplest ways to provide for The National Great Blacks In Wax Museum's future and can take many forms.
You may arrange for the Museum to receive:
• A specific dollar amount
• Specified assets, such as securities, real estate or tangible personal property
• All or a percentage of the remainder of your estate after all other obligations (a residuary bequest)
You may make a bequest to The National Great Blacks In Wax Museum by preparing a new will or adding a codicil to your present will. An outright bequest to The National Great Blacks in Wax Museum is fully tax- deductible for estate-tax purposes.
Charitable Gifts and AnnuitiesAn agreement between you and The National Great Blacks In Wax Museum provides you with regular fixed payments annually (an annuity) for life in exchange for transferring assets to the Museum. Donors who contribute through a planned gift are invited to join The Tanner Group. The Tanner Group recognizes those friends who share a concern and provide generously for the Museum's future.
Charitable Remainder Trusts
An agreement between you and a trustee that can provide fixed or variable income to meet your specific financial needs, at the termination of which the remaining assets are passed to the Museum.Charitable Lead Trusts
An agreement between you and a trustee that provides income to The National Great Blacks In Wax Museum for years, at the end of which the trust property typically passes to an heir.Retirement Assets, Life Insurance Real Estate For more information contact:
Email: donations@greatblacksinwax.orgPhone: (410) 563-7809, ext. 104

The Museum’s Expansion
Where we’re going
The Museum's mission is to stimulate an interest in African American history by revealing the little-known, often neglected facts of history; use great leaders as role models for youth; improve race relations by dispelling myths of racial inferiority and superiority; support and work with community groups, schools, and other organizations to provide opportunities for youth to pursue careers in the museum industry; and promote economic development in the East North Avenue corridor. Our expansion plan is an effort to invest in our Community, instilling hope for the future.
Discover the Perks of Membership
Membership to The National Great Blacks In Wax Museum is the ideal way to enhance your visit to the Museum -all year long! As a Member, you can explore the renowned collection and thought-provoking exhibitions for FREE, plus receive invitations to Member exhibition previews, discounts at The Gift Shop, and discounts at on events and others exclusive opportunities, and so much more!